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What Procedure Is Best for My Aging Face?

Posted March 12, 2018 in Facial Rejuvenation

Beautiful elderly womanFrom skin creams to facials to cosmetic surgery, there’s no shortage of options to bring youthfulness back to your face. As your face is always exposed, it’s at the constant mercy of the elements (mainly, the harsh sun), and since this skin is among the thinnest on your body, it reveals the havoc of aging and lifestyle quicker than anywhere else. That’s not an ideal combination for the large percentage of people that consider their face to be their most important physical feature.

As you age, your skin begins to lose its collagen and elasticity; because of this, your skin loses its ability to bounce back and appear youthful and firm. This excess skin starts to droop, as do the underlying muscles. Additionally, puffy bags form around your eyes and wrinkles set in. Before you know it, your face has changed its appearance so much that it’s hard to keep track of all the changes. Facial cosmetic surgery can be an ideal approach to reclaiming youthful skin and rejuvenating your face.

Which Procedure Is Ideal for You?


Perhaps due to its rather obvious name, facelift surgery has become well known as an ideal procedure to combat an aging face. Much like the name suggests, the skin on the face is literally “lifted.” A common misconception is that a facelift will address your entire face. While facelift surgery will do wonders for your mid and lower face, this procedure will not address aging around the eyes, brows, or forehead. However, if your facial concerns involve the cheek, jowls, or neck, then a facelift may be the ideal procedure for you.

Eyelid Lift

With aging comes heavy, sagging upper eyelids and puffy bags below the eyes. This heaviness may make you appear constantly tired, stressed, or angry—even when you’re not. Eyelid lift surgery aims to remove the exhausted appearance on your face by removing excess skin and fat deposits from the upper eyelids, the lower eyelids, or both. This surgery reveals a more youthful and brightened appearance and gives you back the power to show your emotions correctly.

Brow Lift

A brow lift is ideal for patients with deep wrinkles or whose skin laxity is limited to the forehead. Brow lift surgery repositions sagging brows and corrects frown lines. Brow lift surgery can be performed alone or in combination with blepharoplasty or a facelift.

Non-invasive Options

If you are looking for a non-surgical option to address fine lines, wrinkles, and sunken features, then dermal fillers or BOTOX® Cosmetic may be ideal for you. These treatments provide temporary relief to some of the most annoying side effects of aging. BOTOX® Cosmetic can reduce frown lines, crow’s feet, and wrinkles around the eyes and forehead. Dermal fillers, such as JUVÉDERM®, Restylane®, and RADIESSE®, can smooth out facial wrinkles and folds on multiple areas of the face as well as fill areas that may have sunken over time, such as the cheeks, lips, and around the lips.
