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Arm Lift Surgery
in Birmingham, AL

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Arm Lift Surgery

In Birmingham, AL

The skin on the arms can become lax after significant weight loss or weight fluctuations. Skin laxity can also be a result of aging and loss of muscle tone. Arm lift surgery, or brachioplasty, reshapes the arm from the elbow to the shoulder. During this procedure, excess skin and fat of the arms are removed to restore more youthful contours.

Arm lift surgery is ideal for those with loose skin following significant weight loss or aging. Most patients who choose this procedure are unable to achieve their desired arm tone and definition through diet and exercise.

What Are the Benefits of Arm Lift Surgery?

What Will My Arm Lift Surgery Entail?

  • Arm lift surgery is performed using intravenous sedation or general anesthesia. Dr. Cohn will recommend the appropriate form of anesthesia during your consultation.

  • Arm lift surgery can be performed through one of many incision patterns. The technique used will be based on the amount of laxity and the location of that laxity. Incisions may be made on the inside of the arm or the back of the arm, making the scars easy to conceal. Incisions usually run from the armpit to the elbow. This incision can be shorter or longer depending on the amount of excess skin.

  • During your arm lift, excess skin is trimmed, unwanted fat is removed, and supportive tissues are tightened. Absorbable sutures are skin adhesives that may be used to close the incisions. If stitches are used, they will need to be removed within one to two weeks following your procedure.

Fit woman looking to the side

Have Other Concerns About Arm Lift Surgery?


The quality of your arm lift depends on your participation in your initial consultation with Dr. Cohn. During this consultation, you will discuss your medical history, drug allergies, medication use, and what you hope to achieve with your arm lift. This consultation will include a physical examination, where photos and detailed measurements will be taken, and then a surgical plan will be established.


Arm lift surgery is an outpatient procedure, and patients can return home shortly afterward. All physical activity will be limited during the initial recovery period, and patients will need to refrain from heavy lifting and housework. Temporary bruising, swelling, numbness, and pain will develop in the treatment area following the procedure. Bandages or a compression garment will be wrapped around the arms to reduce swelling, promote circulation, and facilitate healing. Patients can return to their daily activities within 10 to 14 days and strenuous exercise within four to six weeks. Dr. Cohn will provide instructions on how to care for yourself and your incisions after your arm lift surgery.


Scarring after arm lift surgery will develop at the incision sites and will vary depending on the size and shape of the incision. Dr. Cohn will make this incision as small as possible to reduce post-operative scarring while still providing significant results. Arm lift scars can be lessened with silicone strips or gel, and all scarring fades with time.


Anesthesia ensures that no pain is felt during or immediately following the procedure. Patients will feel discomfort and soreness as the anesthesia wears off. Prescribed oral medication or over-the-counter painkillers will ease patient discomfort following the initial stages of recovery.

Frequently Asked Questions

Am I a candidate for arm lift surgery?

Arm lift surgery is ideal for patients who have lost significant weight or want to sculpt their arms after pregnancy or natural aging. Candidates for this procedure do not smoke, are physically healthy, and are at a stable weight. You may be asked to adjust or stop your current medications and avoid taking anti-inflammatory supplements, as these can increase bleeding and other complications. Candidates for arm lift surgery should have realistic expectations of their results.

Are there potential long-term risks with arm lift surgery?

Arm lift surgery is safe, but there is still potential for long-term risks. Some of these risks include:

  • Adverse reactions to anesthesia
  • Bleeding
  • Infection
  • Fluid accumulation
  • Numbness or changes in skin sensation
  • Nerve or blood vessel damage
  • Unsightly scarring

Patients must follow all of Dr. Cohn’s post-surgical instructions to reduce their risk of complications. Incisions should not be subjected to excessive force, motion, or abrasion, and patients should refrain from smoking.

Is arm lift surgery covered by my insurance?

Arm lift surgery, even when it is performed to enhance comfort, is an elective cosmetic procedure. Therefore, arm lift surgery is not generally covered by insurance. The cost of your arm lift varies based on the specifications of your procedure. The extent of tissue laxity, anesthesia, facility room, surgical fees, lab testing, medical evaluations, prescriptions, and post-surgical dressings factor into your final cost. Financing is available for interested patients.

Are there any alternatives to arm lift surgery?

Arm lift surgery is performed on individuals who struggle with skin and tissue laxity in the upper arm. Patients who have excess fat but retain skin elasticity may benefit from liposuction alone. Liposuction reduces excess pockets of fat but does not address the skin or supportive tissue.

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