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Belt Lipectomy
in Birmingham, AL

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Belt Lipectomy

In Birmingham, AL

A belt lipectomy is a circumferential surgical process to the whole of the mid and lower body. It is a re-sculpting procedure that addresses the areas of the abdomen, hips, thighs, and buttocks. Separated into its individual surgical components, a belt lipectomy traditionally includes a lower body lift and a tummy tuck (abdominoplasty) all in one combined procedure.

A belt lipectomy is a highly individualized procedure that may be a good option if you are bothered by excess fatty tissue and loose, sagging skin around your torso.

The Initial Consultation

The success of your belt lipectomy depends on the quality of your participation in the initial consultation. You will need to be prepared to discuss why you want a belt lipectomy, your personal medical history, drug allergies, use of medications, vitamins, herbal supplements, alcohol, tobacco and drugs, and any family history of disease.

Dr. Cohn will perform a physical examination and take detailed measurements of your individual physical attributes. Photographs will be taken for your medical record. At that point, Dr. Cohn will be prepared to discuss your surgical options, recommend a course of treatment, and discuss the use of anesthesia during your belt lipectomy procedure. The consultation consists of a thorough discussion of the procedural details, anticipated scar patterns, and expected recovery. Dr. Cohn is happy to assist with recommendations while using your personal goals to guide final decision making.

Woman posing in a yacht with sexy white suit

Preparing For Belt Lipectomy Surgery

Before a belt lipectomy procedure, Dr. Cohn will discuss where your procedure will be performed – an accredited, office-based surgical center, outpatient / ambulatory surgical center, or in a hospital in Birmingham, Alabama. Prior to your surgery, you may be asked to get lab testing or a medical evaluation, receive a prescription for certain medications or adjust your current medications, stop smoking, avoid taking anti-inflammatory drugs and herbal supplements as they can increase bleeding. Some special instructions you receive will cover what to do on the day of surgery and post-operative care and follow-up.

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Belt Lipectomy Procedure

Your belt lipectomy can be performed through a variety of incision patterns and techniques. The appropriate technique for your belt lipectomy will be determined by Dr. Cohn during your initial consultation.

  • The belt lipectomy procedure begins with anesthesia, where intravenous sedation or general anesthesia will be provided. Dr. Cohn will recommend the best choice for your surgery.
  • After the anesthesia has taken effect, the procedures begin with their specific incisions.
    • The Tummy Tuck: A horizontally-aligned incision from hip to hip across the lower waist line. There is often a second incision created around the belly-button. This part of the procedure often includes tightening of the abdominal muscles to allow for additional contour improvements.
    • The lateral thigh/buttock lift: The incisions are carried out circumferentially over the buttock and outer thigh regions to allow for lifting of these aspects and removal of excess fat and skin.
  • As part of the belt lipectomy closing procedures, sutures or skin adhesives close the incisions. Bandages and compression wraps may also be applied.

Risks And Complications

The decision to have belt lipectomy surgery is extremely personal and not without risk. Dr. Cohn will fully review and explain the risks associated with your surgery. After you fully understand the procedure, you will be asked to sign consent forms.

Recovery For Belt Lipectomy Surgery

Although many factors are involved in your recovery time, you will likely experience an initial post-surgical recovery period of a few days. You may also require a reduced-activity period of a few days. During recovery, you will likely experience soreness and swelling for a few weeks. Exercise and normal activity can resume at Dr. Cohn’s direction.

Following all post-surgery instructions is crucial to the success of your surgery. Surgical incisions should not be subjected to excessive force, abrasion, or motion during healing. Dr. Cohn will give you specific instructions on how to care for your incisions following your surgery, which medications to take, how to reduce the risk of infection, and when to make a follow-up appointment.

Birmingham Cohn Plastic Surgery Belt Lipectomy Costs

As with any elective surgery, the cost of a belt lipectomy procedure is a consideration for many patients. Cost may include a surgeon’s fee, hospital or surgical facility costs, anesthesia fees, prescriptions for medications, and any associated medical tests. Birmingham Cohn Plastic Surgery proudly offers Patient Financing Plans, so be sure to ask if such a plan is of interest to you.


For more information about the belt lipectomy procedure performed here in Birmingham, we invite you to call us at (205) 590-9900 – Monday through Friday from 8:00 am to 5:00 pm – to schedule an appointment. You may also use the Contact Form page to send us a message.

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