Thigh Lift
Schedule A ConsultationThigh Lift
In Birmingham, AL
A medial thigh lift, or medial thighplasty, is a surgical procedure designed to tighten the tissue on the inner thighs and reduce issues with skin sagging. A medial thigh lift can significantly tighten the skin and improve the overall contour of the thighs.
Thigh lift surgery is a highly individualized procedure that may be a good option if you are bothered by excessive inner thigh skin that sags or is droopy.
What Is Achieved With a Medial Thigh Lift?
Slimmer, More Contoured Thighs
Many individuals wish for a slimmer thigh appearance that is often difficult to achieve with diet and exercise alone. Thigh lift surgery removes excess skin and fat from the inner thighs to create slimmer, more contoured thighs.
Increased Comfort
Excess skin and fat in the inner thighs can cause them to rub against each other, which often results in uncomfortable, painful chafing, especially when it is hot outside. Thigh lift surgery removes this extra skin so the thighs do not rub together as much.
Improved Self-Esteem
Being unhappy with the appearance of your thighs can make enjoying the summer months difficult.
With a thigh lift, you can enjoy and feel good about wearing shorts, dresses, skirts, and bathing suits. You deserve to feel comfortable and confident in all clothing.
What Happens During Thigh Lift Surgery?
Your thigh lift surgery can be performed through a variety of incision patterns and techniques. Dr. Cohn will determine the appropriate technique for your thigh lift during your initial consultation.
The thigh lift surgery begins with the administration of anesthesia, where intravenous sedation or general anesthesia will be provided to ensure you are comfortable during the procedure. Dr. Cohn will recommend the best choice for your surgery.
Thigh Lift Incisions and Procedure
After the anesthesia has taken effect, incisions are made. There are two general types of inner thigh lift incision patterns:
Groin Crease Incision
The incision is made within the natural crease of the inner groin, which means there will not be any scar vertically down the leg. An appropriate amount of skin and fatty tissue are removed.
Vertical Incision
An incision is made along the inner aspect of the upper thigh to address excessive skin laxity and fat.
As part of the thigh lift closing techniques, the incisions are closed with sutures, and dressing or bandages are applied to your incisions.
A compression garment is often used to minimize swelling as you heal.
Concerns About Thighplasty
What Can I Expect From My Thigh Lift Consultation?
During your consultation, Dr. Cohn will perform a physical examination and take detailed measurements of your physical attributes. Photographs will be taken for your medical record. At that point, Dr. Cohn will be prepared to discuss your surgical options, recommend a course of treatment, and discuss the use of anesthesia during your thigh lift procedure. The consultation consists of a thorough discussion of the procedural details, anticipated scar patterns, and expected recovery. Dr. Cohn is happy to assist with recommendations while using your personal goals to guide final decision making.
If Dr. Cohn determines you are a candidate, he will create a personalized surgical plan based on your needs.
How Long Does It Take to Recover From a Thigh Lift?
Although many factors are involved in your recovery time, you will likely experience an initial post-surgical recovery period of a few days. You may also require a reduced-activity period of a few days. During thigh lift recovery, you will likely experience soreness and swelling for a few weeks. Exercise and normal activity can resume at Dr. Cohn’s direction.
Following all post-operative instructions is crucial to the success of your surgery. Surgical incisions should not be subjected to excessive force, abrasion, or motion during healing. Dr. Cohn will give you specific instructions on how to care for your incisions following your surgery, which medications to take, how to reduce the risk of infection, and when to make a follow-up appointment.
Where Are the Scars for a Thigh Lift?
Since thigh lift surgery requires incisions to be made, scarring is inevitable. However, Dr. Cohn will work to place these incisions in inconspicuous areas. Thigh lift scars will likely fade over time.
Is a Thigh Lift Painful?
Since your procedure is performed using anesthesia, discomfort is minimal. However, you may experience pain and discomfort for the first few weeks of your recovery. Pain medication can be taken as needed.
Frequently Asked Questions About Thigh Lift Surgery
Am I a candidate for thigh lift surgery in Birmingham?
Candidates for thigh lift surgery are men and women who are unhappy with the appearance of their thighs.
Additionally, ideal thigh lift candidates:
- Do not smoke or are willing to quit
- Are at or near their ideal weight
- Are in generally good health
- Have realistic expectations of your results
A consultation with Dr. Cohn will help determine if you are a good candidate for a thigh lift.
How much is a thigh lift?
Thigh lift cost varies among patients depending on their specific needs and goals for the procedure. Generally, thigh lift cost depends on surgeon fees, anesthesia fees, the procedure’s location, and specific procedural techniques used during surgery.
How can I prepare for my thigh lift?
To prepare for your thigh lift, you should plan to take adequate time off from work and other responsibilities, as your recovery will require significant rest and downtime. Additionally, you should follow all preoperative instructions provided to you by Dr. Cohn at your consultation.
Can other procedures improve the appearance of my thighs?
While thigh lift surgery provides the most dramatic results for slimming the thighs, patients only concerned about excess fat on their thighs can benefit from liposuction techniques.
For more information, read our blog about how to achieve slimmer thighs.
Can I combine my thigh lift with other procedures?
Depending on the amount of excess fat present in the thighs, liposuction for fat removal may be utilized to help you achieve your thigh lift ideal results. Additionally, thigh lift surgery is often performed as a part of a body lift.
Can I drive home after my thigh lift surgery?
Since you will be put to sleep during your thigh lift surgery, you will not be able to drive yourself home. Please plan to bring a responsible adult with you to the appointment to drive you home.
Is thigh lift surgery safe?
When performed by a board-certified plastic surgeon such as Dr. Cohn, who is recognized as a top plastic surgeon in Birmingham, thigh lift surgery is generally safe. However, the decision to have any plastic surgery is extremely personal, and plastic surgery is not without risk. Dr. Cohn will thoroughly review and explain the risks associated with your thigh lift surgery. After you fully understand the procedure, you will be asked to sign consent forms.