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Tummy Tuck Revision
in Birmingham, AL

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Ideally, cosmetic surgery results will look as planned. Unfortunately, plastic surgery patients are sometimes unhappy with their results due to surgical errors or healing complications.

Tummy tuck revision is a secondary procedure that remedies issues with prior abdominoplasty. After your tummy tuck revision, you can enjoy a smoother abdomen, a less noticeable scar, and the desired contour.

What Are the Benefits of Tummy Tuck Revision?

It can be extremely disappointing to undergo abdominoplasty only to experience undesirable results. The goal of tummy tuck revision is to improve the look of a prior procedure, but it can also significantly boost your self-confidence and body image.

A tummy tuck revision can:

  • Repair unsightly scarring
  • Remedy other surgical complications
  • Correct changes due to additional pregnancy or weight fluctuations
  • Eliminate unwanted fat
  • Smooth the abdominal muscles
tummy tuck revision,

What Can a Tummy Tuck Revision Treat?

The results of an initial tummy tuck can vary greatly, as there is no one reason that patients desire a second procedure. A few common concerns from an inadequate or poorly healed abdominoplasty are below.

Lower the Abdominal Scar

This is one of the most common issues that abdominoplasty patients run into. Abdominoplasty incisions typically run across the lower abdomen and are intended to be easily hidden by clothing or swimwear. However, due to a surgeon’s inexperience, or if they do not remove enough skin during the procedure, the subsequent scar can settle too high on the abdomen, becoming visible.

Umbilical Scar Revision

During some tummy tuck procedures, the belly button is repositioned. If this is done inadequately, or aftercare instructions are not followed, this can cause the belly button to become distorted.

Diastasis Recti Correction

Most tummy tuck patients require diastasis recti correction during their first surgery, but if this does not happen, it can affect the final result. Diastasis recti occurs when the abdominal muscles separate, causing a flabby stomach or “pouch.” Neglecting this issue during an initial tummy tuck will invalidate the results, requiring a second procedure to achieve a flat, smooth abdomen.

Contour Revisions

There are many reasons why a tummy tuck does not yield desired results. A large, thick, or pigmented scar can occur if too much skin is removed, placing tension on the incision as it heals. Additionally, under or overusing liposuction can result in an unnatural-looking contour or residual pockets of fat.

Additional Pregnancies

Many women turn to tummy tuck surgery to correct the changes caused by pregnancy or weight loss. Should a pregnancy occur after your tummy tuck, you may be left with the same concerns as before.

Close up of woman's toned midsection as she hold her hands in the shape of a heart over her stomach

Am I a Candidate for Tummy Tuck Revision?

If you are unhappy with the results of your tummy tuck, or your tummy tuck results have been adversely affected by pregnancy or weight gain, a tummy tuck revision can help you achieve the goals you originally set.

Revision tummy tuck candidates should be in good health, non-smokers, and reasonable in their expectations for their results.

Our board-certified plastic surgeon will provide a comprehensive consultation to examine your areas of concern, listen to your goals, and provide you with a specialized surgical plan.

The consultation is a crucial step in any plastic surgery, but it is even more so with revision procedures. This will allow your surgeon to assess the level of revision necessary and provide you with all the information you’ll need to move forward, feeling confident about the process and knowledgeable about the results you can reasonably expect from your revision.

What Is the Revision Tummy Tuck Procedure?

Tummy tuck revisions are unique to each patient, as their concerns can come from a variety of causes. Some tummy tuck revisions are more simple, such as contour revisions, and may only involve liposuction to remove residual pockets of fat.

Others are slightly more substantial, such as a scar revision, which may require your surgeon to remove the original scar to allow a new, healthier healing process. Additionally, abdominal scar lowering may involve using the same incision location and removing the skin below it to lower its placement.

Many revision tummy tucks combine techniques to address all issues at once, including performing a more extensive tummy tuck.

Dr. Cohn can provide you with a detailed surgical plan to give you a complete picture of your specific surgery.

What Is Recovery Like After Tummy Tuck Revision?

Tummy tuck revision recovery is similar to your initial tummy tuck experience. Strictly following the aftercare instructions will help ensure the success of this subsequent procedure.

As with an initial tummy tuck, there will be some bruising, swelling, and mild discomfort for the first few days or weeks following your revision tummy tuck. Light activities may be resumed after a few days to increase blood circulation and reduce the risk of blood clots.

Resting and avoiding strenuous activity for the first few weeks is essential. Excess strain on your incision can cause tension, often resulting in a large or unsightly scar. Your surgeon will provide explicit aftercare instructions to ensure your recovery is successful and will be available if you have any questions throughout the healing process.

How Long Does Tummy Tuck Revision Results Last?

A successful tummy tuck revision can provide long-lasting results. After your revision, you can experience a flatter, smoother abdomen with an attractive contour and a less visible scar.

The results of your tummy tuck revision depend on the success of the healing process, so it is important to follow aftercare instructions as closely as possible. Additionally, subsequent pregnancies, weight gain, or hormonal changes may affect your results.

No plastic surgery procedure can stop the natural aging process. You can maintain the results of your tummy tuck revision through a healthy diet and regular exercise that targets the core.

With proper care, your revision tummy tuck can greatly improve the look and feel of your midsection, providing you with the results you desired from your first surgery.

Tummy Tuck Revision FAQ

How much does a tummy tuck revision cost in Birmingham, AL?

Your tummy tuck revision surgical plan is customized to meet your specific needs and goals, so prices vary. Dr. Cohn will provide an accurate cost quote during your consultation.

Is a tummy tuck revision painful?

Tummy tuck revision procedures are performed under general anesthesia to provide optimum comfort. You may feel discomfort for the first few days following your procedure, but your surgeon can prescribe pain medication to help you recover.

How soon after the initial tummy tuck can I have a revision?

This will vary depending on your healing process. You may be eligible for a tummy tuck revision once you have fully healed from your first procedure and your scar is stable. This can take up to one year for many patients, but Dr. Cohn can examine you during your consultation to assess if you are eligible.

Tummy Tuck Revision at Cohn Plastic Surgery in Birmingham, AL

Our state-of-the-art surgical facility offers body contouring and revision plastic surgery like tummy tuck revision surgery in Birmingham, Alabama.

At Cohn Plastic Surgery, we offer a wide range of surgical procedures, including:

If you are unhappy with the results of a prior tummy tuck procedure and want to discuss your options, our board-certified plastic surgeon can help.

Learn more about how Cohn Plastic Surgery can improve the look of your tummy tuck results by calling (205) 590-9900 today.

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