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Breast Augmentation
With Lift
in Birmingham, AL

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Breast Augmentation With Lift

In Birmingham, AL

Many women seek to improve their appearance over time, especially as age starts to take a toll. Some women are particularly concerned with their breasts, which may deflate and sag over time—particularly after weight loss or pregnancy.

Some women choose to get breast implants to address these concerns, while others choose breast lifts. Both of these breast enhancement procedures are highly effective; however, they address different concerns.

Breast augmentation helps women who want to increase their breast size or fullness. This surgery, also known as breast enlargement, uses breast implants to create fuller, larger breasts. Breast lift surgery raises, reshapes, and firms the breasts by tightening the tissues and removing excess skin. A breast lift rejuvenates your figure by creating a more youthful and uplifted breast profile.

For women who seek significant cosmetic improvement, combining these procedures is often recommended. This combination surgery is highly effective and provides the best results.

What Do You Desire From Your Breast Enhancement?

How Is My Breast Augmentation With Breast Lift Performed?

  • Breast augmentation surgery is performed under general anesthesia.

    Before your breast augmentation, you will have to choose your implant type (silicone or saline), texture (smooth or textured), shape (round or teardrop-shaped), size (measured in cubic centimeters), implant position (subglandular or submuscular), and incision location. These factors can all be customized to fit your needs.

    The procedure itself takes an hour or two, during which you are fully asleep.

    If patients combine breast augmentation with a breast lift, incisions will often require the more extensive breast lift incision.

  • A breast lift involves cutting into the breast to lift sagging breast tissues and remove excess skin. Cohn Plastic Surgery offers three incision types for a breast lift.

    • Periareolar lift incision for minimal breast sagging
      • Incisions are made around the areola
    • Lollipop lift incision for minimal to moderate breast sagging
      • Incisions are made around the areola that extends vertically down the lower pole of the breast to the breast crease
    • Anchor lift incision for moderate to severe breast sagging
      • Incisions are made around the areola, vertically down the lower pole of the breast, and horizontally across the inframammary fold (breast crease)

    Each technique allows for the reshaping of the breasts to form a perkier and tighter breast mound.

  • By performing breast augmentation and breast lift together, the breast size and projection are enhanced. This creates larger and perkier breasts in a way that neither procedure can produce on its own. Many women prefer combining these procedures to achieve the benefits of both with only a single recovery period.

Fit woman in white

Have Concerns About Breast Augmentation With Lift?


What Is Discussed During My Breast Augmentation With Lift Consultation?

As with any breast surgery, a consultation is required. This ensures that you are a candidate and that there are no complicating factors. This also ensures that you and Dr. Cohn are on the same page.

The consultation gives you a chance to ask Dr. Cohn any questions about the surgery, its effects, the recovery period, or what the final results will look like.

In return, the doctor will ask about your medical history and aesthetic goals to ensure that this procedure will meet those goals.


What Is My Breast Augmentation With Lift Recovery Like?

After a combined breast augmentation and lift, the recovery is similar to a stand-alone breast augmentation. Most patients will need to take one or two weeks off and avoid vigorous exercise for four to six weeks. Patients will need to wear a surgical bra for a few weeks after the surgery to promote healing and reduce swelling.

Patients should plan to adjust their sleeping patterns following surgery. This is especially important during the first few days of recovery for women who usually sleep on their stomachs.


Will I Have Scars After My Breast Augmentation With Lift?

This operation will produce some amount of scarring. Fortunately, most of the scarring will be concealed in the natural creases of your new breast contours. Most scars are easily concealed beneath a bra or bathing suit.


Is Breast Augmentation With Lift Painful?

Most patients experience mild to moderate discomfort during their initial recovery period. This discomfort can be managed with pain medications and lifestyle changes for the first week. Most patients do not need pain medication after the first week or two.

Frequently Asked Questions

Am I a good candidate for breast augmentation with a breast lift?

Any woman interested in both increasing her breast size and reducing breast sagging is a potential candidate. Ideal candidates will be in good health and not planning on having more children.

Though rare, there are cases where cosmetic breast procedures have made breastfeeding more difficult, if not impossible.

Will breast augmentation surgery with a lift change the size of my breasts?

Yes. Not only will the implant increase the volume and cup size of your breasts, but the lift procedure will ensure that your new larger breasts are firm and perky. This usually provides ideal cosmetic results for most women.

Which surgical incision is best for my breast surgery?

To determine which breast implant and incision location are best for you, you should ask your surgeon during your consultation. It is important to be clear about what concerns you wish addressed and what your ideal final results are.

Where will my surgery be done in Birmingham, Alabama?

Your operation will be performed in an accredited surgical center, an outpatient/ambulatory surgical center, or a hospital.

How should I prepare for my breast enhancement surgery?

In the months leading up to your operation, Dr. Cohn may ask for lab tests or evaluations to ensure you are in good health. He may also ask to review any current medications you are taking to ensure they will not cause complications during the surgery.

Before the surgery, patients should stop smoking, drinking alcohol, and avoid taking anti-inflammatory drugs or herbal supplements. These may increase the risk of complications. Dr. Cohn will provide pre-surgical instructions given each patient’s unique circumstances.

How much does combined breast surgery cost in Birmingham, Alabama?

Both breast augmentation and breast lift costs can vary widely depending on factors unique to each patient. This makes providing an accurate price difficult.

In general, combining breast augmentation with a breast lift will save money compared to performing each procedure separately. This is because the surgeon’s fees, anesthesiologist fees, and facility fees are only charged once.

How long will my breast augmentation and breast lift surgical results last?

Most patients will see long-term results that last for years or decades. Your breasts will continue to age naturally following the surgery. This means, at some point, the beneficial effects will begin to fade. That said, the extra volume provided by a breast implant will not vanish unless the implant is removed.

Likewise, while new sagging will eventually occur due to age, it will be less significant than patients who have never had a breast lift.

Can I add other procedures to my breast enhancement plastic surgery?

Yes, this combination is commonly included in a Mommy Makeover. In a Mommy Makeover procedure, patients may include liposuction or tummy tuck surgery for total body contouring.

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